Kundalini is regarded as the pinnacle of human potential, holding immense transformative power for the body, mind, and spirit. Its activation is often considered a significant goal in many spiritual practices due to the profound effects it can have on an individual.
When Kundalini is awakened, it initiates a mechanism within the body that facilitates healing, transformation, and even the potential for DNA upgrades. It serves as a catalyst for connecting with superconsciousness, allowing individuals to access higher states of awareness and reconnect with the source of existence.
Once awakened, Kundalini energy starts its ascent, moving up the spinal column. It activates and aligns all seven primary chakras present within the body. These chakras are energetic centers associated with different aspects of our being, including physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
The flow of Kundalini energy follows a pathway through the central channel called the Sushumna. It moves up and down the chakras, circulating vital energy throughout the body. This process not only revitalizes the system but also helps to clear any stagnant or blocked energy that may hinder our overall well-being.
As Kundalini progresses on its journey, it traverses each chakra, purifying and harmonizing its energy. Ultimately, it reaches the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. At this point, the awakened Kundalini unites the individual with universal consciousness, allowing for a deep sense of connection and realization of one’s place within the larger fabric of existence.
The journey of Kundalini awakening is a deeply personal and transformative process. It can lead to profound spiritual experiences, expanded consciousness, and a heightened sense of self-awareness. However, it is important to note that Kundalini awakening should be approached with care and guidance, as it can be an intense and powerful experience requiring proper understanding and support.
Quote: “More commonly known in Western cultures as Holy Spirit, Kundalini is the ancient Sanskrit name for the primal life force that animates all living entities—the evolutionary force behind all living matter. It operates unconsciously until awakened through Shaktipat Initiation. Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word for the process of activating the higher Kundalini-Shakti energy, initiating the process of spiritual growth and enlightenment, and advancing personal evolution dramatically. This has also been called the “Baptism by fire” and “second birth”—a truly sacred mystical experience. Receiving or activating the Holy Spirit/Kundalini can be a profoundly moving, life-changing experience under any circumstances. Kundalini awakening enables one to access what is far beyond the normal human realm and its imaginings. You will undertake a journey of growth and transformation facilitated by your own Divine energies as they work tirelessly to remove roadblocks, breakthrough personal limitations and empower you to ultimately achieve the very highest aspects of Selfhood.”
Kundalini serves as a catalyst for bringing unresolved aspects of the psyche into conscious awareness. It bridges the gap between the conscious sphere and the subconscious mind, creating a pathway for a higher influx of previously inaccessible information in the form of inner voices and visions. Some individuals may be more inclined toward experiencing inner voices, while others may be more attuned to visions. These intrusions into our consciousness are higher operations of the mind that are typically filtered out by the ego’s strict structures. To optimize the Kundalini experience, it is important to allow any arising feelings to express themselves without immediate action and to remain fully present as a silent observer.
The subconscious mind consists of two parts: the personal and the collective. The personal aspect encompasses our individual life experiences, while the collective aspect encompasses the entirety of human history, evolution, and even pre-human existence. It encompasses all spiritual practices, archetypes, historical events, memories, and creations within the infinite field of consciousness. During the Kundalini awakening process, there is a potential to tap into this vast reservoir of knowledge. Whether or not we access it depends on the intelligent process guiding the awakening.
Stagnant energy within us comprises suppressed emotions and traumas that are stored consciously and unconsciously in our bodies. When we suppress these emotions, they become trapped as distorted energy within our physical bodies. Additionally, they reside in our subconscious minds as beliefs, programs, and conditioning. These subconscious elements shape our perception of ourselves and can create feelings of inadequacy, lack, and unworthiness, preventing us from experiencing love, peace, joy, and success.
The activation of Kundalini energy plays a significant role in thinning the veil between our conscious and subconscious minds. While remaining fully conscious, we gain access to the contents of our subconscious—the mind that runs our default programs and influences the course of our lives. It is within this realm of the mind that our beliefs and programs reside. It is through the subconscious mind that we manifest our experiences.
During the Kundalini awakening process, various biological, chemical, and psychological reactions occur. Brainwave patterns fluctuate, transitioning from beta to theta and eventually reaching gamma frequencies. The autonomic nervous system also becomes engaged, initiating the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Hormones are balanced, and neurotransmitters are regulated, leading to alchemical changes within the body.
It is important to note that the efficacy of healing techniques or the expertise of a healer becomes secondary to the presence of an active or awakened Kundalini energy. An active Kundalini facilitates deep-rooted block healing and realigns the subtle body. The role of a healer is to assist and support the body’s innate healing capacity, which is fueled by an active Kundalini. Kundalini is the force that moves prana, the life force energy, and it forms the basis of our health and vitality. It naturally flows to the areas requiring healing, guided by its own intelligence and in accordance with its own rhythm.
Kundalini acts as a bridge between everyday life and higher levels of consciousness. They are interdependent, and one cannot exist without the other. As Kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra, a profound transformation of consciousness unfolds. This experience transcends duality, merging the individual with the universe. It is a state of non-duality where infinite love, universal connectivity, peace, and deep inner wisdom are experienced. This blissful and beautiful state allows individuals to tap into the vastness of their being and experience a profound sense of unity with all that is.
By embracing the role of a silent observer, we create the ideal conditions for the Kundalini awakening journey. It allows for the integration of unresolved aspects, the exploration of new dimensions of consciousness, and the opening to inner voices and visions. Through this process, we can gain profound insights, experience spiritual growth, and connect with the vast wisdom embedded within our subconscious and the collective consciousness