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Anna Kamińska

I was born in Poland, where I completed my studies at the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Canon Law at the Catholic University of Lublin, earning a Master’s degree. I have been living in the United States for 18 years, currently residing in California, where I have been running a holistic practice called Healing Art of Awareness.

Anna Kaminska-About

Who am I and what I do:

My greatest life passions are holistic healing and the exploration of human consciousness. During my numerous travels around the world, I had the opportunity to meet many wonderful teachers who opened my eyes to who we truly are and the incredible power that lies within us.
One of the prominent teachers who influenced my development was Venant Wong, the founder of KAP - Kundalini Activation Process, under whom I completed Level 2 training. It was through him that my fascination with Kundalini energy and higher levels of consciousness began. Over four years of work as a facilitator of KAP, I have gained valuable experience working with the body's innate intelligence, which has an extraordinary power of healing, transformation, and even ability to influence our DNA.
I also had the opportunity to study with brilliant teacher Pi Villaraza, the founder of Inner Dance, and Dr. Sarah Jane, the founder of Spinal Energetics. Thanks to Spinal Energetics technique, I can precisely assess where energetic blocks are in the body and remove them, allowing for the free flow of energy and bringing deep healing. Through Inner Dance, I have learned to use sound to induce a deep healing states of consciousness similar to circadian rhythms. I am also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with 200 hours of training and a Munay-ki Guardian of the Earth initiated by Malvina Rubano. From ancient esoteric teachings to modern research, I have spent last few years deepening my understanding of the forces residing in human body, such as Kundalini and non-dual states of consciousness.
During sessions, I always create a safe and supportive space and atmosphere for my clients, enabling them to freely explore their inner worlds and find healing and transformation. My compassionate and empathetic approach to healing, combined with deep knowledge of the innate intelligence of the body, allows me to guide clients on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Working with me will allow you to release old patterns and beliefs, find acceptance and peace, and move forward in life with greater clarity and purpose.
I invite you to discover the wonderful potential that lies within you. Join our community of seekers and let us accompany you on a fascinating journey towards deeper understanding, joy and inner balance. Break the boundaries of your consciousness and open yourself to new possibilities that vitalize the body, heal the mind and nourish the soul.
I conduct group and private sessions in person as well online. I invite you to the events tabs, you will find information there about upcoming in-person and online sessions.
With love!
Anna Kamińska

Anna Kamińska

Over three thousand people trusted me!

For the past several years, I have assisted others in healing and transformation journeys. I have led over 3000 people through the process of releasing suppressed emotions, transforming and alchemizing them, fostering greater awareness and leading to more fulfilling lives.