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Online Workshops

We meet on Sundays 11:30 am and 6:00 pm PST (Los Angeles)

Experience the transformative power of HALO, a unique modality that combines spirituality with science.

Embark on a journey from matter to spirit







Are you ready for a transformative journey with HALO?
HALO is an integrated practice that combines breathwork, somatic and emotional release techniques, and transformative sound journey. It is a dynamic interplay of active energy-generating practices, adoption of specific somatic poses deeply rooted in the body and close associated with particular emotions, and a profound surrender to the higher wisdom that crafted our physical form.

HALO stands as a method that interacts dynamically with this energetic architecture. It has the extraordinary ability to initiate recalibration within our energy circuits. These adjustments have profound impacts on our physical form, leading to improvements and deep healing. By interacting with our energetic blueprint, HALO sets off a chain reaction of positive transformations, manifesting as enhanced physical vitality, emotional balance, and expanded spiritual awareness.

This workshop is for you if you experience:

Watch the video to find out what HALO classes are like

BENEFITS YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THANKS TO HALO WORKSHOPS (collected from over 2000 participants)


Improved emotional well-being: You can achieve a more balanced and positive emotional well-being.


Calmness and inner peace: You can find peace and harmony within yourself, even in the face of life's challenges.


Professional Life Transformation: You may experience positive change and growth in your career or professional pursuits.


Emotional Release: Repressed emotions can surface and be released, allowing for emotional catharsis and a healing process.


Improved self-confidence and inner strength: You can develop a strong sense of self-confidence and inner power.


Improved interpersonal relationships: You can build healthier and more satisfying connections with other people.


Improving your eating habits: You can change your nutritional needs and start choosing healthier and more nutritious foods.


Clearing your energetic and emotional body: You can cleanse and cleanse your energy field and emotional well-being.

HALO workshops are a wonderful journey of discovering your inner potential and deep union with the cosmic life force.
Prepare to unlock the limitless power of consciousness as you embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. HALO transcends traditional approaches by delving deep into the essence of your being, transforming repressed emotions and traumatic experiences into profound personal growth.
Through a unique combination of somatic work and surrender, you will access your Higher Self, unlocking your full potential and experiencing deep healing.

How does a HALO session look like?

HALO session is structured into two parts, each designed to facilitate deep healing and self-awareness. We begin by learning specific somatic poses, each intricately associated with different emotions. This initial phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for our journey into self-exploration and healing. Following the somatic poses, we transition into breathwork. This segment involves a series of pranayamas – specialized breathing techniques – each carefully chosen to energize your body's cells. This energy, once awakened, becomes a powerful tool for self-healing.

The second part of the session is dedicated to a sound journey, a period of profound relaxation and surrender. During this phase, you’ll be lying comfortably on a mat, allowing the energy activated during the breathwork to circulate freely throughout your body. This part of the session is about letting go and allowing the process to unfold naturally. I employ a blend of resonant sounds, and verbal cues, all designed to bypass the constraints of the conscious mind and tap into the vast, limitless energy of your body. The only active participation required is intermittently adopting the somatic poses we learned earlier. These poses, integrated within the sound journey, enhance the experience, allowing for a deeper engagement with the healing energies at play

The soundscapes will guide us through various states of consciousness, while delicate touches on specific chakra points and meridians gently unlock and facilitate the flow of energy throughout your body. This part of the session is a voyage into your inner self, allowing the energy to move freely and initiate a natural cleansing process.

As you immerse yourself in this process, your body responds by activating its own cleansing mechanisms. This response manifests in the release of stagnant energies – including repressed emotions, past traumas, and ingrained toxic beliefs and patterns. These blockages are released through involuntary movements, vivid visions, intense emotions, and various sounds. It’s a process of purging and renewal, guided by the innate wisdom of your body.

The depth of your transformation depends on your level of openness and non-judgment of your own process. The more open you are and the less you engage in self-evaluation, the greater your capacity to explore deep levels of personal exploration and growth. By adopting an attitude of acceptance and curiosity, you will open yourself up to the potential of transformative experiences that foster deep self-awareness and positive change. The entire process is conscious, and you will remain in complete control of how deep you choose to dive into this transformative experience.

Each individual’s experience with the HALO process is unique. The release of blockages can manifest in diverse ways – from crying, screaming, and laughing to seeing colors, experiencing visions, rapid breathing, spontaneous spoken words, and often, involuntary body movements. This variety of experiences reflects the deeply personal nature of the journey, offering a tailor-made path to healing and self-discovery for every participant.

What can you experience with HALO?

When you remain open and undisturbed by judgments, your journey becomes a transformative experience that brings with it many positive changes. Here are some of the amazing benefits you can experience:

A better tomorrow can come today! Don't put it off for later and sign up now!

Virtual Sessions take place on Sundays, with two time slots available: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm PST (Los Angeles time). Alternatively, you can explore our Monthly Membership (scroll down) to gain access to all virtual sessions, including Kundalini Activation and HALO, throughout the month, plus an exclusive monthly Q&A Call.

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How does HALO work remotely?

Virtual HALO sessions have proven their effectiveness in transcending physical distance by tapping into the interdependence of consciousness. These sessions illuminate the profound truth that separation is merely an illusion.
The beauty of virtual sessions is that they provide us with a real experience of the truth that there is no separation between us. Despite physical limitations, the energy and intention of the practice effortlessly overcome seeming obstacles, creating a virtual space where participants can connect, share and lift each other up.
During these sessions, participants often describe profound experiences of expanded consciousness, heightened state of consciousness, increased energy flow, and a deep sense of connection with the universe. As the barriers of physical separation disappear, the inner unity of all beings becomes tangible, leading to a deep sense of oneness and interconnectedness.
Thanks to virtual platforms, those who participate in HALO sessions experience remarkable results, regardless of their geographical location. The power of this practice lies in its ability to transcend the physical dimension and access the immense potential of our collective consciousness. By delving into the depths of our Being, HALO awakens the universal life force within us known as Kundalini, awakening and activating it in each individual.
This collective unity enhances the effects of the practice, allowing the free flow of transformative energy and catalysing personal growth and spiritual awakening. These sessions provide a unique opportunity for participants to awaken their dormant energy and experience the deep unity that exists between all beings. Through this practice, we not only begin a personal transformation, but also contribute to a collective awakening and the realization that we are essentially all one.

With Monthly Membership, you will have an access to all virtual sessions, including Kundalini Activation and HALO, for the entire month. Moreover, you'll have the exclusive opportunity to join our monthly Q&A Call. If you can't attend the live call, you can always watch the recording at your convenience. Membership can be canceled at any time by logging into your account.

What my clients say:

Our Happy Clients!

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Hi! My name is Anna Kaminska!

I am the founder of the Healing Art of Awareness and the creator of the method HALO, I was born in Poland and I have been living in the United States for 18 years, currently in California.
I have been helping others heal and transform for years. I have successfully guided over 2000 people through the process of releasing repressed emotions, transforming them and alchemizing them. My greatest life passions are holistic healing and exploration of human consciousness.

How to prepare for a virtual HALO session?

To ensure a smooth and focused virtual Kundalini Activation session, it is important to prepare properly in advance. Here's what you can do to be ready:
1. Things you will need: Space to lay down, Pillow, Blanket, Waterbottle, Journal and a Pen
2. Create a suitable space : Prepare a comfortable space where you can lie down during the session. Whether it's a yoga mat, bed, or couch, make sure the surface is relatively flat, your spine is straight, and there is enough space around you. While the use of pillows is generally discouraged, your comfort is a priority, especially if you have any neck or back problems. Have a blanket with you to cover yourself in case of need, a glass of water or tea, a journal and pen for personal reflections, and wear comfortable clothes. If you wish, you can use a blindfold to enhance the depth of your process.
3. Make sure you have a good Zoom connection: You will need Zoom to be able to join the session. If you don't have it yet, you can download it for free from the Zoom website. Make sure your Wi-Fi connection is stable and your speakers are turned on so you can hear the presenter and accompanying music clearly. If you prefer, you can use external speakers or headphones to improve the sound quality. During the installation process, give Zoom permission to access your camera and microphone when it asks for it.
4. Avoid large meals before your session : Since digestion requires a significant amount of energy, it is recommended to avoid eating just before your session if possible. Although it is not mandatory, I recommend approximately 2-3 hours of fasting to optimize your experience.
5. Give your undivided attention: Prioritize this time for yourself and commit to your full commitment. Before your session, eliminate any distractions, turn off your cell phone, inform roommates or family members of your need for privacy, and complete any necessary tasks. This experience has the potential for true transformation, but it requires your complete attention and commitment.
By following these preparations, you can create the right environment for your session, allowing for a more focused and intense experience. Get ready to take advantage of this transformational journey and enjoy the profound impact of the Kundalini Activation process.

Important precautions:​

Please do not purchase a ticket until you have reviewed and verified that you do not have any of the listed conditions that deem this practice medically unsafe:

  • Diagnosed Severe PTSD 

  • Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis)
  • Currently taking heavy medication that alters brain chemistry (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic)
  • Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries
  • Epilepsy 

  • History or diagnosis of aneurysms
  • Heart disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Cardiovascular problems 
  • History of seizures
  • Severe Asthma
  • Pregnancy and postpartum
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart conditions 

  • Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, or spiritual emergence within the past three years
  • Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect their ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.

Frequently Asked Questions

Prepare a comfortable space where you can lie down during the session. Whether it’s a yoga mat, bed, or couch, make sure the surface is relatively flat, your spine is straight, and there is enough space around you. While the use of pillows is generally discouraged, your comfort is a priority, especially if you have any neck or back problems. Have a pillow and a blanket with you to cover yourself in case of need, a glass of water or tea, a journal and pen for personal reflections, and wear comfortable clothes. If you wish, you can use an eye mask to enhance the depth of your process.

In first part of the session you will learn somatic poses and Breathwork. In the second part you will lay down and relax for the sound journey.

Level of your openness and surrender will determine the outcome. The deeper you will immerse yourself in the experience the better results you will get.

No, session is not video recorded.

This is event is suitable for mature young people starting at 14 years old. 

You can request a transfer up to 48h prior the event. Please email: [email protected]

Ticket is not refundable, up to 48h before event you can transfer it for another date.

No prior experience is necessary to participate in the event.

The training will be released in 2024. If you are interested please email: [email protected], title your email: “Training”.

Please wear comfortable clothes, so you can move freely and don’t forget a hoodie or sweater.

Yes, you don’t need to know English to participate. The session is with music, and it is a direct experience.

It’s best to avoid large meals right before event. Eat lightly and give yourself at least a 2h break before the event.

Absolutely, being in a group dynamics can be profoundly empowering and freeing. In our society, there’s often a tendency to suppress emotions, which can lead to various ailments and general unhappiness. There’s a remarkable strength found in community and in group dynamics, especially when united by a common goal of healing, releasing burdens, and aspiring for a more fulfilling life. Such gatherings offer an incredibly beautiful and liberating experience, nurturing personal growth and collective wellbeing, witnessing each other without judgement and holding space for each other in our collective journey called life.